S0E0 15 June 2020

A manifesto for a quick pause

The Why, What and How.


Welcome to a Quick Pause. A weekly podcast offering a moment of reflection, a chance to care for ourselves, and to show up for each other.

A quick pause is an invitation to slow down.

A quick pause is a mindfulness practice.

A quick pause is a safe space to tune in and listen.

A quick pause recognizes that many small steps lead to big changes.

A quick pause reminds us that we don't live in isolation, and can only thrive in community.

A quick pause is an inquiry into our blind spots.

A quick pause is a work in progress.

Each week I'll offer you an inspiration and a practice to try.

Episodes are under 5 minutes and drop every Wednesday.

I am Jonas Haefele and this the manifesto for a Quick Pause.

Words and Sounds by Jonas Haefele

A Quick Pause is a production by slow.works

Music used: Monday Meditation by Wayne Kinos